Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crop Circle : Windmill Hill 27th July 2010

This beautiful 6 petaled crop circle appeared at Windmill Hill, near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire on July 27th 2010. It looks something like the recent Poirino, Italy formation (The Biggest in Italy so far) however with some never seen before twists and swirls in the nests within the formation ...

There are some noticeable variations in the pattern which some term mistakes and quickly label them man made without investigating any further ... It seems like their approach towards the phenomena is that of creating confusion n chaos through disinformation ...

May we have the eyes to see the truth .... as it is ...

Images Courtesy : Crop Circle Connector
& Anne Lightheart ~ ( Crop Circle Researcher & Good Friend of Michael Glickman )

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