A former Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Aerospace and The Technical Operations Supervisor for Cisco System Braden is now considered a leading authority on bridging the wisdom of our past with the science and peace of our future.
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief : Shattering the Paradigm of False Limit
Could the spontaneous healing of disease, living to advanced ages, an instant connection with everyone and everything, and even time travel be our true heritage in the universe? New discoveries suggest that the answer to questions such as these may be a resounding “Yes!” The key to unleashing such miracles lies in the new discoveries of physics and biology, and the missing link that connects them with our lives!
We tend to live our lives based in what we believe about our world, ourselves, our capabilities, and our limits. With few exceptions, those beliefs come from what science, history, religion, and other people tell us. Historically, we have been taught that we are an evolutionary “accident” — passive observers in the universe, experiencing a brief moment in time with little effect during our stay. What if those beliefs are wrong?
What if we are only limited until we change the way we see ourselves in the world? How differently would we live if we discovered that we are born with the power to choose our relationship to longevity, health, and even life itself? Such a radical discovery would change everything about the way we see ourselves! It is also precisely what the leading-edge discoveries of our day are showing us. In the first years of the 21st Century, new discoveries offer the paradigm-shattering revelations that demonstrate how:
- We are not limited by the laws of physics, as we know them today !
- We are not limited by the laws of biology, as we know them today !
- The DNA of life is a code that may be changed by choice !
The implications of these discoveries are vast, powerful, and to some, even a little frightening. They show us that beyond reasonable doubt, we are capable of changing the course of our lives, our world, and even altering reality, if we choose. It is these seemingly miraculous abilities that make it possible for us to heal from cancer and the suffering of AIDS, experience extended life spans, create life-affirming joy and abundance, and much more.
In 1944, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying that there is a “matrix” of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world. It is this place of pure energy where everything from the birth of stars and the DNA of life, to our deepest relationships, the peace between nations and our personal healing begins. The experimental proof that Planck’s matrix—The Divine Matrix—is real, now provides the missing link that bridges our spiritual experiences of imagination, prayer and belief with the miracles that we see in the world around us.
Through the connection that joins all things, scientists have shown that the “stuff” that the universe is made of—waves and particles of energy—responds and conforms to the expectations, judgments and beliefs that we create about our world. In a world where an intelligent field of energy connects everything from global peace to personal healing, what may have sounded like fantasy and miracles in the past suddenly becomes possible in our lives. There is one small catch, however. Our power to change our bodies and our world is dormant until we awaken it.
The key to awakening such an awesome power is that have to make a small shift in the way we see ourselves in the universe. We must see ourselves as a part of everything, rather than separate from everything. Beyond merely thinking of ourselves from this unified view, we must feel ourselves as part of all that we experience. With this one little shift in perception we are given access to the most powerful force in the universe, and the key to address even the seemingly impossible situations in our lives.
With this connection in mind, we must begin to think of the way we relate to life, our families, and even our casual acquaintances from a powerful new perspective. Good, bad, right, or wrong, everything from the lightest of the light and most beautiful life experiences to the most horrible occasions of human suffering can no longer be written off as chance happenings. Clearly, the key to healing, peace, abundance, and the creation of experiences, careers, and relationships that bring us joy is to understand just how deeply we are connected to everything in our reality. And our understandings are based in our beliefs.
It makes perfect sense that to change our lives we need to change what we believe about ourselves and our world.
When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change !
~ Wayne Dyer
~ Wayne Dyer
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