Evidence collected by the BFRO, including the Skookum Cast, is featured. This cutting edge 1-hour 35mm film documentary is a co-production by Doug Hajicek of Whitewolf Entertainment Inc., The Discovery Channel and Bosch Media.
The DVD version of this landmark documentary contains several extras :
- The full length of the Patterson footage in digital format, allowing you to zoom in on individual frames with unprecendented clarity
- More of the Freeman footage
- More of the Memorial Day footage
- An FAQ on the sasquatch mystery
- A gallery of images related to sasquatch evidence and research
The three best pieces of purported sasquatch footage are analyzed and discussed in the documentary. In addition, the DVD includes an Extras Section with each of the footage clips in never-before-available high quality, direct digital-from-master clarity. For many interested in analyzing these pieces of footage, this is the highlight of the DVD. Each piece of footage is looped, zoomed, and slowed down, allowing the viewer to analyze them closely and even pause and advance the frames manually.

The Patterson Footage
The Patterson footage shows a dark hair covered figure with large muscles quickly walking away from the camera. This incident occured in October of 1967 in a remote, unpopulated mountain valley near the California/Oregon border.
After the incident investigators went to the scene and measured the tracks left behind by the figure. The track measurements were later compared to the figure's feet visible in the footage. This allowed for various other measurements and calculations of body mass and weight of the figure. Those calculations consistently add up to over 1,000 pounds.
The figure's bipedal posture creates doubts for many people, because it makes the figure seem "human like". Any primate adpated to full bipedalism will have a human like posture. Human body shape and posture is optimized for efficiency and balance, especially when running at high speeds. Body proportions like those of apes, chimps or other tree climbing primates, are not as energy efficient when walking or running upright.
A tall 1000+ pound bipedal primate would have a posture similar to humans, but it would also have different muscle proportions to support its greater weight. Bio mechanics experts say the Patterson figure shows the muscle proportions a large bipedal primate would need, especially if it lived in the sort of rugged terrain where the footage was obtained.

People who don't pay close attention to the subtleties of the figure and its movement may quickly conclude that it's a man in a costume. Others see just the opposite. They are familiar enough with the way humans move to see the difference in this figure right away.
Earlier versions of the Patterson footage were murky compared to this digital-from-master. They were always 3-4 analog generations removed from the original. Being closer to the original footage makes a significant difference in the level of detail visible.
Source : BFRO - Sasquatch ~ Legend Meets Science
Sasquatch : Legend Meets Science (Book) by Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Sasquatch : Legend Meets Science (DVD)
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