'Symbols of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence' ... by Anil Pandey
If we accept that the UFOs exist we would be admitting that extra terrestrial intelligent life forms are a reality. While the science admits that in this vast universe with billions of galaxies, it is more than possible that intelligent life may exist not only in other galaxies but in our own Milky Way itself. We have recently found water on moon and near pure water in a Mars crater.
Ancient Sumerians have left evidence that they were taught civilization by some beings they called Annunaki - Those who from heaven to the Earth came - Sumerians left their history on clay tablets and one of them clearly depicts the solar system in correct order, including Pluto and Uranus which were discovered not more than two hundred years ago.
Zecharia Sitchin in command of many languages with cuneiform deciphering skills who has conducted primary research of ancient history and has written several books gives compelling evidence that earth had space ports in ancient times and we had visitors from other planets. Without investigating further some people tend to dismiss UFOs, Eric Von Daniken and countless other researchers who have found enough evidence which points to extraterrestrial visitors on this planet in ancient times. But Sitchin is well aware of this and bases his arguments on solid scholarship, including the most rigorous translations of Sumerian text, Vedic tales and excerpts from the original Greek and Hebrew versions of the Bible.
According to Sitchin our Solar System has another planet which the Sumerians called Nibiru which has a 3600 year orbit around the sun, and we are visited by the Annunaki, the beings that inhabit this planet when it enters our solar system.

There are many who are convinced that we have received answers from the depths of outer space in the form of crop circles in replies that are encoded in binary digits similar to what we had transmitted into outer space. So much interest was generated in these spectacular formations that the servers of the websites hosting the information buckled due to excessive traffic.
Wonders of our ancient history and heritage also hint of visitations of extra-terrestrial intelligent beings. Historians cannot with any measure of honest scholarship explain that how on earth some our grandest monuments like the Pyramids of Giza, Angkor Wat and the Pyramid of Chichenitza embody very advanced knowledge of astronomy and engineering at a time when classical historians tell us that we had only copper tools and the wheel had not been invented.
Researcher Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval have done extensive work of studying these monuments and there research concludes that these monuments are handiwork of a very advanced race with knowledge of Astronomy, Advanced Engineering, Mathematics and technology which we were not supposed to possess according to classical historians. Three pyramids of Giza precisely mimic the star map of the Belt of Orion and Angkor Wat is a terrestrial map of star constellation Alpha Draconis. There beauty grandeur and precise engineering of these monuments tells us they had a definite purpose which evades us.
It is now commonly believed that sites like Stonehenge in the UK and comparable sites around the world were like gigantic observatories to keep track of the precessional movement of the earth's axis, as every 72 years the Earth's axis precesses by one degree and 26000 years complete one full cycle and the end of the cycle augurs massive earth changes. How could the ancient ones keep measure of such a slow and barely discernible movement of Earth's axis?

The next article will be devoted to Giza Pyramids as a reflection of extra-terrestrial intelligence. Wait and watch, sorry read ...
Source : The Herald Goa
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