Monday, May 10, 2010

2nd Crop Circle Near Stonehenge UK : 9th May 2010

The 2nd Crop Circle of the 2010 season has arrived friends ... A huge 500 feet long Crop Circle formation was reported on the 9th of May in a Canola Field below Stonehenge, near Amesbury, Wiltshire UK.

Eyewitness Report ...

This morning of the 10th of May we were surprised to see frost on the ground - so once again a bitterly cold start to the day. The landscape was also covered by morning mist and visibility was poor. As we couldn't see where the crop circle was ... we sat and watched Stonehenge appear slowly at the break of dawn. This crop circle formation was hard to spot from the road side but once found we were amazed at the size - using a measure this time - the entire length is exactly 500 Feet. The centre circle is a nice basket weave, something which we have not seen in Canola before, ground shot photos don't display the careful arrangement - aerial shots should indeed be spectacular.

The weaved pattern in the centre and the 3 Julia Set kinda circles on the outer edge of the inner ring are something we saw last season ...

Crop Circle reported on the 19th of July 2009 at Liddington Castle near Badbury Wiltshire UK

Crop Circle reported at Silbury Hill (2), Near Avebury, Wiltshire on the 3rd of August 2009

Crop Circle Formation At West Overton, near Lockeridge, Wiltshire. Reported on the 9th of August 2009

Crop Circle East Field, Near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 14th July 2009

Reference : Report A Crop Circle Formation ~ Facebook

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