Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Crop Circle Season 2010 : August Formations

This one appeared at Whitefield Hill, near Woodsend Wiltshire ... Reported on 3rd August 2010 ! The warped effect at the center creates what appears to be a sphere, possibly indicative of our planet, Earth ... The outer design does give the appearance of a star ...

The formation is directly next to an ancient barrow and a radio mast.

A beautiful stylized Celtic Cross came down as a crop circle formation at Lurkeley Hill, near East Kennett, Wiltshire ... Reported on the 3rd of August 2010 !

This beauty was reported on the 8th of August 2010 at Stanton Bridge, near Honey Street, Wiltshire UK !

Another beautiful formation was reported on the 8th of August 2010, this time right below the Pewsey White Horse in Wiltshire !

This one appeared at Horton, near Devizes, Wiltshire on the 9th of August 2010 ... looks beautiful with it's multi-layered design with yet another 3D Cube with an overlapping Tetrahedron at the center ... Truly Awesome ! This season has a lot more coming our way ... Transdimensional Brilliance ~ Awakening Consciousness ...

Crop Circle at Northdowns, near Bekhampton, Wiltshire ... Reported on the 13th of August 2010 !

This post will be updated with new crop circle formations as they are reported ... Stay Tuned Dear Ones :)

Interpretations are always welcome ... Feel free to post your views in the comments section !

Images Courtesy : Crop Circle Connector

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