Tuesday, August 10, 2010

UFO Sightings in Moira : Goa, India !

It's been over a year now we moved to Goa and we've been seeing these anomalous lights show up in the sky quite synchronistically, somehow in tune with our thoughts and feelings ... showing up sometimes when we ask them to ! Couple of months back we saw this bar shaped bright light in the sky just before sunset at around 7:00 pm ... It slowly began to change shape from  what looked like a long bar / tube to a small ball and carried on moving slowly till it disappeared from view ... Soon after we see a Jet flying in exactly the same direction as the light ... :)

Last year on the 11th of November (11:11:11), while i was outside the village Chapel looking up at the sky ... I was thinking of the huge Football Field right opposite and was wondering how perfect a place it was for a big spaceship to land ... just as i had these random UFO thoughts I looked up and saw to my amazement a bright white ball of light moving North right in line with the Cross above the Chapel ... as i ran in to call someone to check it out, it was gone ... :)

Sometime last year on the South Anjuna Beach, outside Shiva Valley ... Srinath, a friend from Hyderabad and i saw this bright light moving in the sky right above Shiva Valley ... approaching a big white cloud ahead ... as it carried on moving towards the cloud I told Srinath it was going to go behind the clouds now and let's see if it reappears ... it didn't :)

A friend of mine called Ashley who lives close by has also seen these lights on many occasions and this time he managed to get something on his phone camera ... Soon after watching a Football match late at night, Ashley was standing next to his window when he saw a light moving in the sky. I requested him to jot down his experience ... Here is what he had to say about it ....

I was watching the football match. when the match ended i went 2 my room opened the window 2 have a smoke... when i saw a small light appear in the sky.... it was a very cloudy night and it was raining... so it could not be a star or the moon... so i decided 2 click a picture.... before i clicked the image from my cell..... i just stopped 2 think if i could get an image on camera... because all the other times they just disappear..... just then i see the light getting brighter and brighter.... it then starts to change shape and move.... so i clicked the picture on my cell phone..... and it disappeared after that.

The light looks brighter than the moon and is elongated towards the sides like the planet Saturn with it's rings or like a Pleiadian Beamship as photographed by Billy Meier in his ongoing contact with the Pleiadians ...

A similar light was captured by another eye witness and UFO researcher in this video ...

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